Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Catching Up!!!

There have been a lot of changes in the Asay household these past few weeks!! One major change is that we are now living in Warsaw and have been for the past 3 weeks. Jarrad started his new job as a Materials Manager for Navistar and seems to really like it. He is still working longer hours, but we're hoping that will change some once he hires a couple of employees that will work for him. He also found out recently that he will be making a trip to London for a week on a business trip and I'm completely jealous and want to fly out with him!

We are currently living with my parents until our house sells in Indy and the kids are in heaven! I don't think they will want to move to another house with all the attention Grandma and Grandpa are giving them. I was worried about how cramped everything would be with our big family and three dogs, but really it's not bad, the only difficult thing is finding places to put all our clothes! :) One of the nice things has been being able to take the boys to the lake and letting them swim and play in the sand. I was also excited about how nice the Warsaw library is, it even has video games you can check out which is a major plus for the boys.

Today was also Jayden's first day at school as a 2nd grader!!! I can't believe how fast time flies! He met his teacher yesterday at the open house they had and was super excited when he found out that he gets two recesses at this new school. I always hated in Franklin Township how he would only get 1 recess and it would be at the end of the day! I thought that was completely ridiculous, so I was really glad to hear he would be getting two recesses this year.

Well, those are some of the things we've been up to for the last few weeks. I'll try to upload some pictures later, I'm using my parents computer and I'm not sure how to download pictures on theirs yet. Keep your fingers crossed for our house to sell soon!!! We found a house we really want!


  1. We've been trying to brain wash our kids into thinking that moving out of Grandma & Grandpa's house is a good thing...they have believed us and the efforts to pinch a penny has been a family effort until this summer when Riley had an "ah ha" moment.

    "mom, why would I want to move to a house where I can't see Grandma & Grandpa everyday?"

    I think he feels bamboozled.

  2. I know my kids will feel the same way. They love waking up knowing Grandma and Grandpa are there. Have you guys moved yet?
