This past summer, Jayden has been begging us to let him play football. I was a little nervous about it because he's so little and he just turned 8 the end of May, but I couldn't tell him no. So, we signed him up! As they sign every player up here, they weigh them so they can attempt to make fair teams and to find the red stripers(kids that weigh more than 85 pounds). Jayden stepped on the scale which showed he weighed a whopping 51 pounds!
A few weeks later, at one of Jayden's practices, the organizer of the league tells me that Jayden is the smallest kid in his leauge, so he gets to be the 'Mighty Man' in the jamboree. The Mighty Man gets to run out on the field first leading out all the players carrying his team flag. It was so stinkin cute to see him running out there. He's had 3 games since and he is doing such a good job. He may be little, but he is a scappy kid and isn't afraid to go after those red stripers!
Now, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed for no injuries this season! In the back of my mind I was secretly hoping he wouldn't like football, because I'm terrified he's going to get hurt. But, it seems that's not going to happen because he loves it and is already talking about next year. With three boys I have a feeling I'm just going to have to get used to be terrified at every game, either that or start taking some medication. :)
Good job Kari for letting him play! He looks so tiny out there, his pants really do look like pants on him. I'm so happy he has a great number on and will be a great example for my boys! Love you guys!