Monday, November 12, 2012

A getaway to the Warren Dunes in Michigan

The boys had fall break a couple weeks ago and I wanted to get out of Warsaw.  We lucked out because the weather happened to be in the upper 70's, so Jarrad took the day off of work and we headed to the dunes!  I love it here because I can make myself believe that we are at the ocean. =)

We basically had the whole place to ourselves, which was wonderful.  The only downfall was that it was incredibly windy and when the sand hit hurt. Notice Ky covered head to toe, yeah,  that was protecting him from the sand. LOL  Even with the wind, it was a great day.  It was a break that we all needed.  There's nothing better than spending time with my family.

 Jayden's find...a collection of shells
 Ky building sand castles
 T man
 It's so pretty there! I love it! Especially, when no one else is there.

 Sand Angels!!!

One of the coolest parts of this trip was it was free!! Since, it was off season, we didn't even have to pay to get into the park.  I didn't take any pictures of us, but we did hike some pretty tall dunes.  One was so steep that Jayden freaked out and quit moving. After some tears he finally got over it and made it to the top. Way to go Jayden! Talan didn't have any fear of it though and made it to the top first. 

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