Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jayden's first toothfairy visit!

This evening after dinner, Jayden was playing with his loose tooth. I felt it and it was loose, but I didn't think it was quite ready to come out. I told him if he wanted to make it come out sooner, to go eat an apple. He did that, but complained that it was hurting his gums so I sent him to Jarrad to see what he thought. Jarrad poked and prodded and he agreed that it probably wasn't quite ready. However, Jayden had other plans and asked Daddy to get the pliers. And what do you know, Jarrad latched the pliers on his tooth, Jayden jerked and out popped the tooth without Jarrad even having to pull! Jayden is super excited since he'll be 7 in May and had yet to loose a tooth. He was the last one in his class that hadn't lost a tooth. Needless to say, he is a happy boy right now, while his mommy is a little sad that her oldest boy is growing up.

PS....the toothfairy is giving him a dollar, my toothfairy must have been poor she only gave me 50 cents.


  1. YIKES! I can't believe he let him pull it with pliers. He sure is brave. Our neighbor is a Dental Hygenist and has pulled out several of Brooke's teeth, but she won't let us anywhere near!

  2. Yeah for Jayden! He looks so cute!
