Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hot and Cold

My boys love the movie Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakquel. Talan especially loves it and I would always hear him sing a song off of it called Hot and Cold, by Katy Perry. So, the other day when he was singing it I asked him if he wanted to hear the whole song on the computer, and of course he did. I found the video to the song on you tube and played it for him, not knowing how much I would regret doing this later.

As you can imagine, Talan and Ky both loved it and I have being playing Hot and Cold non-stop for the past three days! Ky is constantly going to the computer and saying "song" and will not stop until he sees the video and the music starts. Once it's over, he finds me and the cycle begins again. I finally got a little video of them dancing to it and it's really cute. Hopefully, this little phase will be over soon or atleast I can maybe get them listening to a new song! A Mom can dream, can't she?

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