Monday, March 22, 2010
And so the drama begins....
Yesterday afternoon Jayden got in trouble by Jarrad because he was bugging Talan right after he woke up from his nap. Anyone that knows Talan also knows he is quite the crab when he wakes up and Jayden feeds on bugging him. Anyway, after he was yelled at by Jarrad, I noticed that Jayden was gone and that there was a note left on my computer desk.
The note said, Good-bye mom and dad. I am going to my room and never coming out. Don't cry. I love you.
I thought it was cute and funny and Jarrad was impressed that he wrote that all down. Then I thought, Oh no, I thought I didn't have to deal with drama since I only have boys, I guess I was wrong. However, a few minutes later Jayden was downstairs playing and acting like nothing ever happened. I was relieved in knowing that atleast if I have to deal with some drama, it only lasts a few minutes! I will be keeping the note until he is 16 when I can then show it to his dates.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Pacers game with Mom
A painted picture of Jayden's favorite thing in the world.
Cotton candy beards
Last week a few Pacer players came to Jayden's school and read to all the first graders. Jayden was pretty excited and he brought home a couple of posters and goodies that the players gave to the kids. Then the next day, Jayden came home from school really excited because he said he got tickets to a Pacers game. I thought he was making it up, until I looked in his bag and saw the two tickets.
Since Jarrad had already taken Jayden to a Pacers game before, it was my turn to take him. I shouldn't mention that when Jarrad took him he had box seats from FedEx and my turn was in the nosebleed section. :) We ended up going with our next door neighbors Michael and Austin since they got the free tickets too. The boys loved getting to go together and had a great time. Although, I think they had more fun eating cotton candy and watching Boomer than actually watching the basketball game and quite frankly I agree, watching NBA games is like watching a glorified game of "horse". In the end, it was a great time for the boys and I loved getting to spend some one-on-one time with Jayden. The Pacers actually won too! It was a fun night!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Future Asay Motor Sales employees
This past Saturday we finally had decent weather, so we were outside most of the day. Jarrad spent the morning washing both of our cars, which then led to him putting his summer tires back on his Mustang. The boys loved every minute of it and then they decided that their Mustangs needed some work like daddy's car, so they stole Jarrad's jack and went to work. It was super cute. All my boys are complete "gear heads" and could spend every waking minute talking or playing with cars. They've definitely inherited the Asay car gene.
Fire station Fun!
Hugging the fire fighter
Last Tuesday, Talan had a field trip to the fire station. I usually don't go to all of his field trips since it's during Ky's nap time, but I knew Kylen would enjoy this as much as Talan so I volunteered to drive. They got a tour of the station along with getting a chance to sit in the fire truck which they both loved ofcourse. The fire fighters did a wonderful job with the kids and one of them put on the full gear and asked the kids to give him a hug, so they would know not to be afraid of them if there was ever a fire in their house. Talan had no problem doing this, Ky however thought no chance in hadies! All in all, it was a short and fun, my kind of field trip!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Kylen's first haircut
The before